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Employee Well-Being - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-4)
Virtual-Asynchronous - People and Culture Advanced Certificate
Virtual-Asynchronous - The Employee-Centric Workplace Certificate
Employee Well-Being - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-4)
Welcome to the Employee Well-Being HCI Academy Micro-Credential course! This course is designed to take approximately 8-10 hours to complete. Learning Outcomes for this Course Include: 1. Analyze the concept of psychological safety and...
The Purpose-Driven Workplace - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-8)
Virtual-Asynchronous - People and Culture Advanced Certificate
Virtual-Asynchronous - The Employee-Centric Workplace Certificate
The Purpose-Driven Workplace - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-8)
Welcome to The Purpose-Driven Workplace HCI Academy Micro-Credential course! This course is designed to take approximately 8-10 hours to complete. Learning Outcomes for this Course Include: 1. Align personal and professional goals by...
Strategic People Management Capstone - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-9)
Virtual-Asynchronous - People and Culture Advanced Certificate
Virtual-Asynchronous - The Employee-Centric Workplace Certificate
Strategic People Management Capstone - HCI Academy Micro-Credential (HCI-9)
Welcome to the Strategic People Management Capstone course! This course is designed to take approximately 8-10 hours to complete. Learning Outcomes for this Course Include: 1. Develop an understanding of the principles and theories of...

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